Seasons Greetings!
We want to share the joy of the season with severaL items we hope you will enjoy.

Every order from now through December 31 receives our Christmas Bonus: a TAS card (made out to "Bearer", a Cr25 coin from the far future (with Norris' portrait), and our limited edition Christmas D6 die (White with Green sunburst and Red number). While supplies last

443 Sale
Buy 4 CDROMs and you get them for the price of 3 (you pay full price at our site; we rebate the $35 for the 4th CDROM when we fill the order). 443 covers any (and all) CDROMs on our site, including the Traveller5 CDROM and the Challenge DVDROM. CDROMs fromFFE

Traveller, Twilight, 2300 AD, and more!
We have one of the largest collections of role-playing materials available at DriveThruRPG: so large (417 titles) in fact, that it's hard to know exactly what you want or where to find it. Now, we have made it easier than ever with our Official Guides: a single comprehensive list of the titles in our collections and overviews of the game systems.
GDW/ FFE DTRPG Checklist
Our handy and useful guide is hyperlinked and clickable to take you directly to the DTRPG listing for each item.
With the T5 Kickstarter rewards filled to backers, we now have Traveller5 (CDROM and Hardcover Book) available through our web site.
The Fate of the Kinunir
FFE just released our first novel in our SF series, Fate of the Kinunir by veteran SF/fantasy author Robert E. Vardeman, to be followed by books by Martin J. Dougherty, Erik Scott de Bie, Pete Rogan, Tim Waggoner, and Darrin Drader. We're planning on nearly a dozen books by this time next year! Fate of the Kinunir.

I can't say I was surprised by the response to Traveller Dice: I always liked the original half-inch Traveller Dice that came out in 1980. Most people are saying the new dice are much better: molded numbers rather than pad printed. Great colors. We have a Traveller Dice order point here:
Traveller Dice
(not only our dice, but the original half-inch dice (through Noble Knight Games) and even solid Aluminum 19mm dice through a machine shop in Arizona).
Chuck Gannon's Next Novel
Trial By Fire. Coming out in early 2014. We're having a great time talking with Chuck Gannon; we'd like him to do some Traveller novels but he's very busy. Meanwhile, we do have this project with him. Chuck Gannon's Next Novel.
Our Guides
We have a great set of guides to our role-playing game systems, filled with lists and information. GDW/ FFE CDROMChecklist.
 Deck Plans
Our work on Deck Plans is finally bearing fruit:
We have finalized the contents of our first Deck Plan Set, and it includes
Imperial Scout/Courier
Free Trader Beowulf
Imperial Navy Corvette Daring
Imperial Navy Colonial Cruiser Kinunir (two sheets!) and
The Astrogator's Map of the Spinward Marches
Deck plans are 22 x 34 inch sheets in black and white, with matte paper for easy annotations with pencil or markers. Kickstarter Backers will receive the first two deck plans (Scout and Beowulf) as part of their rewards. We plan to ship them in mid-January.
There's an order point for the deck plans at Deck Plan Pre-Order
Finally, the Live Action Knights of the Dinner Table video project just launched. There's a backer page here:
KODT Kickstarter
Nobility Card Corrections. The corrections (for those of you who responded) have been ordered and we expect to ship them out just after the first of January.
Traveller T-Shirts. Our special order has arrived and those who ordered will see their shirts shipped in the coming week. We're planning a new order (and a new design) in late Spring.
Other stuff we dont want you to miss
Join us on our Traveller Fan Page on Facebook. Why? nice announcements; interesting discussion; special offers.
Also, Join Us on our Traveller Twitter feed. Why? nice short stuff from time to time. mostly insights and links.