We're Doing A JTAS Special. The original 36 issues of Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society have been re-printed in hardcopy as three 11 x 8-1/2 inch landscape format books. Now we're offering all three volumes in a bundle for $30 (retail was, and will continue to be $30 for each volume). Shipping is $5.50 in the US, or $40 outside the US.
  FFE 0006-7-8 JTAS Our supply of these is exhausted.
|   FFE 0006-7-8 JTAS Export Our supply of these is exhausted.
Welcome to the Far Future. Far Future Enterprises is the successor to Game Designers' Workshop; we publish reprints of the classic role-playing game systems originally produced by GDW: Traveller (as well as many of its licensed support materials), 2300 AD, Twilight: 2000, and Dark Conspiracy.
We work closely with other publishers (Mongoose, Steve Jackson Games, RPG Realms, Seeker, RPGNow, and DriveThruRPG) who publish their own versions of our products under license from FFE.
Far Future Enterprises, 1418 N Clinton Blvd, Bloomington, IL 61701 USA. Email: farfuture@gmail.com.